Thursday, July 28, 2011

3 Months Old and Growing!!!

Taking a walk with your cousins, Aunt Ash, Grandma Christner, and Mommy. Sooo big!!

First trip to the ER, and this is how relaxed you are. :)

Hanging in the shade with Grandpa at the pool on 4th of July

Days at Aunt Ash's are filled with tons of love from these two!

Three months! Smilin' at Momma!

Well, Buddy, you're three months old today!!! It's hard to believe, and yet, I hardly remember what life was like before you came along. What a joy it is to have you here and watch you grow. We love you so much.

I love to just listen to you and all your noises. Yesterday I was watching you sleep and all I could do was thank God for the miracle you are. He formed you so perfectly and I pray He always watches over you and protects you. You are so fun at this age. You laugh and giggle and make all kinds of noises. You would think you're really trying to tell us something. I just don't know what it is. :)

You didn't have a Doctor's appointment this month so I don't know EXACTLY how big you are, but you're around 13 lbs. and 25 in. long. You're a big boy, and you keep growing!!! :) Oh, and you still look SO much like your Daddy. He wonders if that means he's cute, too. I think so. :)

You're sleeping through the night still. You go to bed around 9:15 and wake up around 6 to eat. You go to bed again until anywhere between 9 and 10:30. Good boy!!! You'll have lots of brothers and sisters if you keep this up.

Some of your favorite things to do right now are just study faces and coo and giggle. You love baseball, whether we're at Daddy's church softball games or you're watching the Cubs stink it up. You love sitting in your Bumbo seat, playing in your bouncy play set, and chew on your hands. At this point, it seems Gavin can make you smile the biggest. He's so sweet with you. So is Graci. They play with you at Aunt Ash's: Gavin boxes with you (you got him in the eye), and Graci plays dress up...oh the things you'll have to endure with girls around. :) Uncle AJ had to too, and he turned out! You've been staying with Aunt Ash and the kids while Mommy and Daddy work. You've been so good for the most part. I hope you realize someday how much you are loved and how blessed you are to have such great supports in our family.

Your favorite sing-along song is Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. Every time I touch your nose you giggle and try to get my fingers with your mouth. I could do it all day to watch you light up. It melts my heart! My favorite song to sing to you is "I will be Here" by Steven Curtis Chapman:

Tomorrow morning if you wake up
And the sun does not appear,
I will be here.

If in the dark we lose sight of love,
Hold my hand and have no fear,
‘Cause I will be here.

I will be here when you feel like being quiet;
When you need to speak your mind, I will listen.
And I will be here when the laughter turns to crying;
Through the winning, losing, and trying, we’ll be together,
‘Cause I will be here.

Tomorrow morning if you wake up
And the future is unclear,
I will be here.

As sure as seasons are made for change,
Our lifetimes are made for years,
So I will be here.

I will be here, so you can cry on my shoulder;
When the mirror tells us we’re older, I will hold you.
And I will be here to watch you grow in beauty,
And tell you all the things you are to me;
I will be here.

I will be true to the promise I have made,
To you and to the One who gave you to me.

As sure as seasons are made for change,
Our lifetimes are made for years,
So I, I will be here.
We'll be together and i will be here.

This song encompasses so much of everything I feel for you. I will ALWAYS be here for you. Our lives will not always be filled with laughter, but I'll try to find the blessings in the rain. You will not always be young, but even when we're older, I will still hold you. I'm here to watch you grow. There may be times of struggle, fear, uncertainty, but I promise you, Daddy and I are always here. The song says "I will be true to the promise I have made, to you and to the One who gave you to me." These promises I make to you, I make to the Lord. He blessed Daddy and I with you and we promise Him that we will look after you with love. We will never know what the future holds, but I promise to take one day at a time and live for the memories we make. I hope as you grow you will hear this song I sing to you and remember the meaning of the song.

On another note, I've been thinking a lot about what you will be like when you grow up...will you be tall and athletic? Or will your focus be music? Academics? Will you be a Doctor? A Business man? A pastor? What will you be? The only conclusion I can come to is, "I don't care" as long as you stay true to your faith and always strive to put Him first. I'm already praying for the decisions you will have to make in life, and I'm remembering there are more important things in life than whether you can run fast, have the best grades, make the most money, are the best singer. It's about Him. I trust Him to show you HIS will, not ours.

Let me now give you your run down of your last month...

You started to love listening to your voice right after two-months. You will put yourself to sleep just listening to it. I LOVE it. On July 2nd, you had your first trip to the ER. You were sleeping sooo much, and your breathing was a little labored. It was 4th of July weekend, so I didn't want to wait until Tuesday to be sure everything was off we went to the ER. They did a chest X-ray. Your heart and lungs looked perfect. Phew. They took your oxygen saturation levels. You were at 100%. Phew. They checked for RSV. Negative. Phew...bad news...we still didn't know why. Daddy and I felt better, though, that we could mark all those off so we headed back to the Weinberg's with pizza for Faith's 10 birthday. It was sooo nice to be with them all day.

On the 4th of July, you, Daddy, Grandpa, Grandma, and I started our morning with breakfast at Tiffany's and then a nice boat ride out a the lakes. So relaxing and you LOVED your first boat ride. You slept through most of it. :) Then, we headed back to the pool for some more fun with a lot of your family. You stayed with Grandma Great, Poppy Doc, Auntie Jill and Auntie Casey while we went to the parade to watch your cousins ride with Uncle AJ. We had a cookout as always back and the house, and watch fireworks. Of course, you rolled with the punches and were so good the whole day. Unfortunately, Daddy had to work at night so he missed out on most of the action. :(

On July 7th Mommy had her LAST day of class!!! Oh my!!! You celebrated by sleeping the ENTIRE night 10 pm- 10 am. Thanks, buddy! :)

We had a good weekend, and on Sunday the 10th, you, Grandpa, Grandma and I headed to your first trip to the LaGrange County Fair for your first Rodeo. Daddy was again working. :( But we had fun! Not a single person rode the broncos OR the bulls. Oh well, we enjoyed the elephant ear afterward! We spent a lot of time walking around the fair that week and on Friday you had your first horseback ride with Aunt Carli and Windsor. You enjoyed it...for awhile. Then you were done. :)

You started rolling right over from back to stomach on July 18th. We went to Battle Creek again for Aunt Sheryl's surprise 55th birthday. She was shocked. Ryan flew home and surprised her. All your family was there and they adore you!!!

On the 24th you had your 1st trip to the Elkhart County Fair. Daddy was working the fair so we just went and ate dinner with him. It was sooo hot, so luckily we got to eat inside. You were a trooper though, no crying at all!

We didn't do a whole lot this month, but this weekend, Daddy is changing jobs!!!! He will be home every night and every weekend. You will never know how much I've missed him these two years of marriage. Especially after you came. I am looking so forward to finally being a family of 3. I'm so thankful for him loving us so much to make the changes he needs to provide for us.

And now...we're waiting on baby Engle to arrive!!!

With that, Buddy...know how much we love you and how much we look forward to waking up EVERY day to see your smile, hear your voice, and see what new things you can do. We love you!!!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011



Hard to believe you're two months today! You are getting so big: 24 1/3 inches, and 10 pounds 11 ounces. You're in the 90th %ile for height and 40th for weight. You got your 2 month vaccinations yesterday, and I was terrified. I don't know how I feel about you getting so much medicine in your little body in one day, but Daddy took you because I had to work. :( He's so good to us. He said you took it like a champ, and hardly cried. Good boy!

Let me give you a little run-down of our last month...

We got to visit all your aunts/uncles and cousins in Peoria. It was a short trip, but it was much needed...just more people to love on you! :) Daddy coached baseball sectional on Labor Day. He got the day off work, and you and I went to support him. They won the 1st game, and we got to spend the afternoon as a family in the hot, hot weather! You did awesome, but the sun wore you out. It was nice to see you and Daddy relax together between games, and then celebrate the sectional win later that night. We went out to eat with Uncle Nic, Aunt Tori, and Colton after the game.

Mommy went back to work on June 1st. It was so hard. I cried and cried and you did just fine! I had to go back to work this summer because I have to graduate in August, and then, all my attention is your's the MINUTE I get home! Aunt Ash (and other lovely family members fill in when she can't) watches you on Monday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons. Daddy stays home with you on Tuesday and Wednesday. You have been so good to all of them. Your cousins like to help take care of you. They feed you, rock you, play with you, kiss you, tickle you, make you giggle..the list goes on. They love you.

Daddy is getting to do the 'Mommy' things with you like take you to the doctor, play with you during the day, feed you, pick up the house. It is not EVER what I had planned. I wanted to be Mommy, but we are making it work, and it is so good for you and Daddy to be together so much. He's so good! He's been taking you for walks, talking to you, watching SportsCenter with you, teaching you all sorts of things, and he even picks up the house for Mommy. You love him. His favorite time with you is when you wake up for an early morning feeding. He usually gets to feed you and then you fall asleep together on the couch for a few more hours. You guys melt my heart when I see you.

On June 7th, you were 9 lbs, 6 oz. The doctor was nervous you weren't gaining enough weight, so Mommy had to start supplementing with formula, and then go back to the doctor on the 7th. Good news! You were a healthy little boy, and he was happy with your weight gain! Good job! :)

You smiled for the first time with meaning on June 9th. Aunt Ash got to see it first, but I got to see it soon after. I LOVE when you smile.

We've been going to a few of Uncle AJ's summer baseball games in Huntington. You sure enjoy being outside, and you might be doomed to play baseball as much as you've seen in the 1st two months of your life.

Uncle Nic and Aunt Ash had to go to New York for a wedding, so Gavin and Graci stayed with Grandma and Grandpa while they were gone. We got to go miniature golfing with them on Saturday the 18th. I did not do so well with a crying, hungry baby, and I'm not sure you loved golfing, but you'll learn. :)

Father's Day was June 19th. We got Daddy a safe, some clothes, a book about you and daddy, and a plaque with your footprints. It wasn't much, but it was special for his first Father's Day. June 19th was also Aunt Ash/Uncle Nic's anniversary. Seems like just yesterday they were married! Time flies! I'm realizing that even more with you. You're growing so quickly.

On the 24th and 25th, Daddy had training at work, so he got to work in the morning, which meant we got to hang together as a family that weekend. On Friday we went to visit Uncle Thad and watch him coach. It was a short, last-minute trip, but it was so nice to see him. You stared at him the whole time. I think he's excited to teach you every thing he knows about baseball. You better listen to him. He knows what he's doing! :)

On Saturday afternoon we went to Fort Wayne to watch the Tincaps with Uncle AJ and his friend Lindsay. I love going to watch the Tincaps. Such a great baseball atmosphere. We laid on the lawn and talked and laughed. They lost, but you loved your first semi-pro game, and you got to watch your first fireworks afterward. Uncle AJ bet that you would cry the whole time, but you didn't! You LOVED them! You watched every single one of them shoot into the air and explode. You are so good!

We like to get to the pool on Sunday afternoons whenever we can. We haven't gotten out to the lake yet this year, but I cannot wait until we can. All your grandmas and aunts are so nice, and when we go to the pool they usually take baby duty and I lay in the sun for a little while until you get fussy (which isn't very often). On June 26th, though, you took your first swim in the pool! You really liked it for a little while, but then you were tired of being wet, and you and I took a little nap. :) It was so nice.

Yesterday was Mommy and Daddy's 2nd anniversary. Hard to believe that two years ago we promised each other our lives, forever. We promised to keep God at the center of our relationship and to love in sickness and health, rich or poor, etc. Hard to believe I love your Daddy more today than I did back then. We have experienced so much together, and I am soo soo thankful and blessed that Daddy gave me you. We knew we would have children, we prayed for our children before and after we were married. We dreamt of you, but we're thrilled you're finally here. We didn't get to do much for our anniversary because Daddy had to work, but we fell asleep on the couch as a family when he got home. It was perfect. It was our life. We're working on making changes so that we can be a family. You deserve a Mom and a Dad. You have us, but you deserve to see our love and to have us together. God is opening and closing doors and we cannot wait to see where he leads us in our family.

...and today you're 2 MONTHS! You went to Uncle Nic/Aunt Tori's for a little while while Daddy was at pre-trial. Aunt T loves you. Then you and Daddy went to Dick's to look around and then back home to rest. Auntie Abby came over to say hi before she leaves to go back home. She brought you a shirt from her recent vacation. Mommy got off work early, so the three of us headed to the pool before Daddy's Church softball game. You rested at Poppy Doc and Grandma Great's. They made us dinner, and we went to watch Daddy. It's fun watching him do things he loves. You got to see Grandmas and Grandpas, Aunt Ash/Uncle Nic, Gavin/Graci, and Weinbergs. You are worn out from your shots, so when we got home you've just been eating and resting. I'm listening to Daddy snore and you're asleep on his chest. A perfect way to end your 2 month birthday. :)

Just so I don't forget these days, you've been falling asleep around 10:30, waking up between 2:30 and 3:30 for 15 minutes, and then at 6:30 for 15 minutes, and then you sleep usually until 9-10 o'clock. I'm proud of you for letting us get our rest!

On a side note, let me tell you how much you mean to Daddy and I. We love you with every part of our being. It has been a challenge for me to surrender you to the Lord every morning, but I know God has blessed us with you. You are His child, and He will direct your path. I will always hurt when you hurt, laugh when you laugh, cry when you cry, but above all else, I pray the first thing I do is teach you to look to Him in all situations.

Daddy and I are learning all about you. What you like/don't like, what makes you smile, what makes you mad, which cries mean what, how long you're going to sleep, how much you're going to eat, the list goes on and on. We learn about you every day. I find myself studying you. I don't want to forget a moment. I never thought I could love someone so much, but I do. That's what makes it hard to remember to look to God for all decisions regarding you. I do not ever want to be too concerned with wiping your tears, being you friend, loving you unconditionally, feeding you, clothing you, providing for you that I forget to teach you about the one most important thing in our lives; a discipleship with Jesus Christ.

Please know Daddy and I will protect you and love you forever. We will pray for you daily. Daddy and I will try to show you love, not only to you but with each other. Seeing us together will one day be one of the most important models in your life. Your grandparents and greatgrandparents were all amazing models of love and discipleship, and we pray that we provide you with the same foundation in order to grow and love Jesus yourself.

Anyway, you are growing so fast, baby boy. I am so happy to see you grow and discover new things, but it's a bittersweet thing when I want each stage to last forever. I cannot wait to see what this month holds. Your smile melts my heart. I love you, sweet boy!

Love, Mommy

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Brigham David

Welcome Sweet Boy!!!


It's hard to believe you're a week old today. It seems like this week has flown. So much has happened. Let me retell this week as quickly as I can.

On Wednesday evening, Mommy came home from work around 5:45. She quickly tried to finish up a homework assignment, but needed a break so headed to the library to pick out a good book to read. As I went into the library, my water broke, but I wasn't sure that was exactly what happened. I then went to CVS to buy gum and headed home. On the way home, I called Daddy at church and after he told Grandma and Aunt Ash, he headed home to pick me up. We got to the hospital around 8:10, and sure enough, my water had broke, but my contractions hadn't. I sent Daddy home to shower. He had a long day. He was training for work all day in the rain, went straight to baseball practice, and then was playing kickball at Youth Group. Grandma Christner, Grandma Rahn, and Aunt Ash came to the hospital to be with me. My contractions started shortly after we got the hospital, but you were so easy on me, they didn't really hurt. My labor went so quickly with you that I hardly had time to think about the pain. In no time at all, you were born at 2:28 am. on Thursday, April 28, 2011.

Mommy and Daddy's reactions:

I can remember looking at Daddy as they placed you on my chest. Eyes filled with tears and excitement as he kissed me. He loves you so much, and he's such a good daddy. I was so glad you were here. I prayed for you, loved you, and could not wait to see your eyes and hear your cry. I love you so much. From the moment you were born you have looked like your Daddy. I love that about you. I hope you grow up to be just like him. I pray you grow into a disciple of Christ. I pray you love unconditionally, are slow to anger, I pray you love Jesus with all your heart, and I pray someday, you realize how much we love you.

I would do anything for you. We've had such a great week. I'm getting enough sleep, and my days are filled with such excitement with you here. Even though I have so much to worry about with school and work, none of that seems to matter right now. I have never enjoyed just being at home with you and Daddy as I do right now. I've cried only twice since you've been here, and both were because I couldn't take away your pain. I hate seeing you hurt, yet I know this is only the beginning. I pray God gives me the strength to constantly surrender you to Him, and to know in my heart that he will protect you always. I never understood how difficult that was until I held you. My heart has forever changed.

My favorite thing about you being here is watching you and Daddy together. I carried you for nine months, but it's the most incredible thing to watch you with your Daddy. He's much more calm than I am. You are always so peaceful in his arms, and he helps out so much. Your favorite time to spend with him is early in the morning. Daddy usually gets up to let Mommy sleep. I love how he takes care of us. I pray our relationship is a good example to you as you grow up.

Besides Mommy and Daddy, there are so many people that love you. So many friends and family have come to see you, and you have melted their hearts. The people who came to see you this week: Grandma and Grandpa Christner, Grandma Rahn, Aunt Ash, Uncle AJ, and Uncle Thad all came to the hospital to see you the night/morning you were born. Later that day, Auntie Jill, Uncle Matt, Grandma Great, Poppy Doc, the Weinbergs, Nic and Tori, Abby, Grandpa Rahn, Larry and Marian Byrnes, Uncle Nic, Gavin and Graci, Heather, and Aunt Ash and Grandma Susie came back with Grandpa Rahn to the hospital. The next morning we went home. After we got our rest, Grandma Gert, Grandpa Orvy, and Tia visited. Jess Mast came to bring us dinner and got to see you. Seth and Stephanie Lochmueller came from Fort Wayne. Christi, Melissa, and Heather all visited, too. I may have forgotten some people. You are so loved.

Some things we've done this week:
You went to church with us on Sunday. You had to go back to the hospital on Monday to get a repeat screening and we went to Gavin's first T-ball game. You had another doctor's appointment on Tuesday. You were a champ. On Wednesday you had newborn pictures taken and they turned out amazing. We went out to eat with Uncle Nic and Aunt Tori and Hayden and Colt to Buffalo Wild Wings. It was good to be with them again. They love you. Today we met Auntie Jill, Gavin and Graci at McDonald's for lunch. Daddy had a baseball game, so we went to visit Julie and Lexi for a little while before going to Gavin's T-ball game and then back to Daddy's game. I'm sure you'll love baseball with as much baseball that has been going on this week.

As I lay here listening to you sleep I pray so many things for you. I pray Daddy and I are great examples of Christ's love in your life. I pray you grow up knowing Christ and that some day you make the decision to follow Him yourself. I pray for your health. I pray for your future; your health, your education, your friends, your job, your spouse....the list goes on. Daddy and I would give you anything, but if we could only give you one thing it would be that you would love Christ. We promise to be good examples for you. Words cannot describe how your heart changes when you have a child. Someday you'll know how it feels....but I hope time slows down. I love these moments. I could stare at you forever. You are a perfect miracle. I love you, son.

Love, Mommy

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The last 5 months

Has it really been over 5 months since I've blogged? My word! Time gets away from you, and it's about to go a lot, lot, quicker!!!!

Things that have happened since my last blog--

1. WE FOUND OUT WE WERE PREGNANT!, due date is May 8, 2011, and Jason and I cannot WAIT to welcome Brigham David Rahn into the world. Jason and I were shocked when we found out we were expecting, not because that wasn't the plan, but more because I was not on the medication I was to be taking in order to get pregnant. Nevertheless, God is bigger than medicine, and he has blessed us with this incredible joy. So many prayers, tears, excitements, anxieties have gone into this, and I can't wait for what's to come. Anyway, a little more about the beginning of the pregnancy...I was sick for about the first 15 weeks, but it's amazing how little that sickness is when it reminds you that your little one is growing and depends on you! Other than that, I have greatly enjoyed my preganancy....and only 2 1/2 more months to go! Woo hoo!

2. We joined SHAKLEE!!! If you don't know much about Shaklee, you are exactly where we were in September..clueless. However, it has been such a blessing...with a little one on the way it has become extremely important to me to watch what goes in and around my body. Cleaning supplies= SO dangerous! Even if they say 'green', don't believe them. The blessing=Shaklee cleaning supplies...I can clean my house without the toxins on my skin or being inhaled, and they work! ..and they're cheap! The vitamins...can you believe that over Christmas break EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. in my family got sick EXCEPT for me...hmm. I have energy, I feel good, I have not been sick, and shh...don't tell the nurses you know...but I haven't had to get a flu shot because of the vitamins that are going into my body. They're great! The Beauty....I had NO idea how many toxins were in lotions/shampoos/conditioners/etc. until I started researching. Did you know that Johnson's baby lotion is the WORST for you baby's skin? So many chemicals. I was also using ProActiv, and although it works...chemicals...again. I switched over to Shaklee, and LOVE it!!!! The nutrition...with being pregnant, I may, or may not get more hungry than I used to. :) The Shaklee Cinch meal replacement/snack bars are amazing. I can eat them in the hallways, they're healthy, and I get all the nutrients I need with one meal instead of all the wasted calories. Anyway, we're extremely excited about this new adventure in Shaklee, and look forward to the benefits, both health and financial, that may be to come. If you need anything, let me know!

3. We found out Brigham was a little boy the 2nd week of December, and I felt him kick about two days later.

4. Jason got to feel Brigham kick for the first time over Christmas break....How amazing. (Ps. I think he's a little excited he's having a boy). :)

5. Christmas was crazy, yet fulfilling...we got to see ALL of our family once again, which is quite a task when you look at how much we have and where we all live, but we were able to accomplish it again for this year, at least. :)

6. While spending Christmas with my family, my brother was brilliant and stabbed his hand. After a tearful nephew, a trip to the E.R. and a late lasting Christmas, we made quite a few memories, that is for sure!

7. My sister announced that they are expecting their 3rd in late July/August! How exciting! We get to be pregnant together, and Brig will have a friend...boy, boy, boy!!! (We'll love the little thing no matter what, though!)

8. Jason and I tackled every single closet, storage, drawer, cabinet, etc. and were able to do some 'spring cleaning' during a few warm January days. It felt GOOD.

9. My lovely parents were able to come over and tackle the painting project of Brigham's room in less than 2 hours. When Jas got home we got the dresser, crib, and changing table up. After sweeping up a TON of styrofoam balls, we're excited it's starting to look like a nursery!

10. I started my second to last semester of school and my second externship...things to look forward to before May and the same time Brig is born....finishing the semester, taking exams the week I'm due, taking my praxis, looking for a third externship, graduation! I can do this...and I'm almost done!

11. In February, my favorite pair of jeans became to small to button. I will wear them, regardless. :) But while my amazing husband did taxes with my amazing father-in-law, my mother-in-law took me shopping.

12. Baseball season is beginning, and we got to travel to Huntington last night with Nic and Tori (and met my amazing family there) to celebrate the start of the season. They leave this week for Tennessee...praying for safe travels, good wins, and a great season!

13. My husband just got home from work, which means my time is up, and I need to get ready to celebrate V-Day tonight by going and spending some time using up our gift cards from Christmas! Yay!!!