Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Waitin' on the World to Change

I'm not sure of many things in my life, but I am sure of this:

(1) There is a God: Father/Son/Holy Spirit (let's not forget about any of them). He is mine.
(2) We live in a rapidly changing world. Let's not kid ourselves, it's not changing for the good.
(3) God is willing to show up and show off if we show up at the foot of the cross and allow Him.


About 7 or 8 years ago, my family left the church I grew up in, met all of my best friends in, the church my 'faith' was in. At that time, I knew it was the best move, but I guess I didn't realize why. I went through High School without much of a youth group because my current church was still in the woodworks, our sister church was 50 minutes away, and I didn't necessarily feel welcomed back at our old church. That old church is alive and growing, and thank God for it. I don't have many, any really, bad memories from that church. The people are great.
I remember the day my family made the decision to leave. I was sitting in youth group, discussing a hot topic about whether Law Enforcement Officers would be allowed to be members of our church (I grew up in a Mennonite Church). This did not mean they were not WELCOME at our church, this meant they were not allowed to be MEMBERS...the whole voting on new leaders, all the logistics, etc. Don't get me wrong, we left the church because we did not agree, but I do commend the church looking back on it years later. It's about time a church stands strong in their beliefs. If they believe in passivism, stand by passivism. However, that decision led to so many great things in my life. Great relationships, great teachings, and most importantly a faith of my own. I didn't know any law enforcement officers personally at the time, but I don't think it's coincidence I married one, years later.

Fast forward a few years, and I met a great man of Christ, a man who was studying recreation and sports ministry. After graduation he was hired by Youth for Christ in Fort Wayne working with inner city kids. A place where I believed he planted many seeds for the Lord. I fell in love with Jason while he was there. A year after he began working for YFC, we became engaged and thought we would live a nice, safe life, as a 'youth leader,' 'Christian mentor,' whatever you want to call it. Call it. That 'safe' life was rocked that winter when YFC cut his hours to part-time and we had to look elsewhere...Elkhart County Sheriff's Department. Yeah, I married that 'law enforcement officer' we left our church for 7 years before.

We had no idea what was in store for us when he took that job, but God is revealing that to us on a daily basis. The people we have met, the opportunities we have had, and the opportunities that are to come are thrilling. To make a long story short, God has closed and opened so many doors. One of the things that has been heavy on my heart lately is this crazy world we're living in! I'm scared to death to think of raising kids in this world, how much worse it will get, the list goes on. Depressing when you think about it. BUT GOD.

Tuesday night, some friends from the department asked us to go to a meeting to talk with some people who are making a movie about law enforcement officers, their families, and the importance of Christ. Sweet! We know we're not alone now! :) If I got nothing else out of that meeting, I realized that the world is changing, my husband, and our family are going to go through some rough issues in the years to come, but let them surround us. Give us a chance to stand for our Lord, lead others to the Lord, protect the innocent...let us start at home. Let us show up. By we, I mean, give him the integrity to stand, the safety we pray for, and the heart to see where help is needed. By me, give me the strength to support him, encourage him, and be confident He's got us right where He wants us. Give us the confidence that He will show up if we're willing to show up and bring others with us.