Things that have happened since my last blog--
1. WE FOUND OUT WE WERE PREGNANT!, due date is May 8, 2011, and Jason and I cannot WAIT to welcome Brigham David Rahn into the world. Jason and I were shocked when we found out we were expecting, not because that wasn't the plan, but more because I was not on the medication I was to be taking in order to get pregnant. Nevertheless, God is bigger than medicine, and he has blessed us with this incredible joy. So many prayers, tears, excitements, anxieties have gone into this, and I can't wait for what's to come. Anyway, a little more about the beginning of the pregnancy...I was sick for about the first 15 weeks, but it's amazing how little that sickness is when it reminds you that your little one is growing and depends on you! Other than that, I have greatly enjoyed my preganancy....and only 2 1/2 more months to go! Woo hoo!
2. We joined SHAKLEE!!! If you don't know much about Shaklee, you are exactly where we were in September..clueless. However, it has been such a blessing...with a little one on the way it has become extremely important to me to watch what goes in and around my body. Cleaning supplies= SO dangerous! Even if they say 'green', don't believe them. The blessing=Shaklee cleaning supplies...I can clean my house without the toxins on my skin or being inhaled, and they work! ..and they're cheap! The vitamins...can you believe that over Christmas break EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. in my family got sick EXCEPT for me...hmm. I have energy, I feel good, I have not been sick, and shh...don't tell the nurses you know...but I haven't had to get a flu shot because of the vitamins that are going into my body. They're great! The Beauty....I had NO idea how many toxins were in lotions/shampoos/conditioners/etc. until I started researching. Did you know that Johnson's baby lotion is the WORST for you baby's skin? So many chemicals. I was also using ProActiv, and although it works...chemicals...again. I switched over to Shaklee, and LOVE it!!!! The nutrition...with being pregnant, I may, or may not get more hungry than I used to. :) The Shaklee Cinch meal replacement/snack bars are amazing. I can eat them in the hallways, they're healthy, and I get all the nutrients I need with one meal instead of all the wasted calories. Anyway, we're extremely excited about this new adventure in Shaklee, and look forward to the benefits, both health and financial, that may be to come. If you need anything, let me know!
3. We found out Brigham was a little boy the 2nd week of December, and I felt him kick about two days later.
4. Jason got to feel Brigham kick for the first time over Christmas break....How amazing. (Ps. I think he's a little excited he's having a boy). :)
5. Christmas was crazy, yet fulfilling...we got to see ALL of our family once again, which is quite a task when you look at how much we have and where we all live, but we were able to accomplish it again for this year, at least. :)
6. While spending Christmas with my family, my brother was brilliant and stabbed his hand. After a tearful nephew, a trip to the E.R. and a late lasting Christmas, we made quite a few memories, that is for sure!
7. My sister announced that they are expecting their 3rd in late July/August! How exciting! We get to be pregnant together, and Brig will have a friend...boy, boy, boy!!! (We'll love the little thing no matter what, though!)
8. Jason and I tackled every single closet, storage, drawer, cabinet, etc. and were able to do some 'spring cleaning' during a few warm January days. It felt GOOD.
9. My lovely parents were able to come over and tackle the painting project of Brigham's room in less than 2 hours. When Jas got home we got the dresser, crib, and changing table up. After sweeping up a TON of styrofoam balls, we're excited it's starting to look like a nursery!
10. I started my second to last semester of school and my second externship...things to look forward to before May and the same time Brig is born....finishing the semester, taking exams the week I'm due, taking my praxis, looking for a third externship, graduation! I can do this...and I'm almost done!
11. In February, my favorite pair of jeans became to small to button. I will wear them, regardless. :) But while my amazing husband did taxes with my amazing father-in-law, my mother-in-law took me shopping.
12. Baseball season is beginning, and we got to travel to Huntington last night with Nic and Tori (and met my amazing family there) to celebrate the start of the season. They leave this week for Tennessee...praying for safe travels, good wins, and a great season!
13. My husband just got home from work, which means my time is up, and I need to get ready to celebrate V-Day tonight by going and spending some time using up our gift cards from Christmas! Yay!!!