Artist/Band: Rodney Atkins
Lyrics for Song: Watching You
Lyrics for Album: If You're Going Through Hell
Drivin’ through town just my boy and me
With a Happy Meal in his booster seat
Knowin’ that he couldn’t have the toy ‘til his nuggets were gone.
A green traffic light turned straight to red
I hit my brakes and mumbled under my breath.
His fries went a flyin’, and his orange drink covered his lap
Well, then my four year old said a four letter word
It started with “S” and I was concerned
So I said, “Son, now where’d you learn to talk like that?”
He said, "I’ve been watching you, dad ain’t that cool?
I’m your buckaroo, I wanna be like you.
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are.
We got cowboy boots and camo pants
Yeah, we’re just alike, hey, ain’t we dad?
I want to do everything you do.
So I’ve been watching you."
We got back home and I went to the barn
I bowed my head and I prayed real hard
Said, “Lord, please help me help my stupid self.”
Just this side of bedtime later that night
Turnin’ on my son’s Scooby-Doo nightlight.
He crawled out of bed and he got down on his knees.
He closed his little eyes, folded his little hands
Spoke to God like he was talkin’ to a friend.
And I said, “Son, now where’d you learn to pray like that?”
He said, "I’ve been watching you, dad ain’t that cool?
I’m your buckaroo, I want to be like you.
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are.
We like fixin’ things and holding momma’s hand
Yeah, we’re just alike, hey, ain’t we dad?
I want to do everything you do; so I’ve been watching you"
With tears in my eyes I wrapped him in a hug.
Said, “My little bear is growin’ up.”
And he said, “But when I’m big I’ll still know what to do.”
"‘Cause I’ve been watching you, dad ain’t that cool?
I’m your buckaroo, I want to be like you.
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are.
By then I’ll be strong as superman
We’ll be just alike, hey, won’t we dad
When I can do everything you do.
‘cause I’ve been watchin’ you."
hey yeah
uh huh
Gavin lives this song daily, he does EVERYTHING and will say EVERYTHING you do...he's said his share of bad words (learned from his babysitter's brother), but I'm not kidding, he is the sweetest boy ever.
Tuesday night, Jas and I got to keep him overnight. Gavin had been wanting to spend the night for a long time, and the night before we had a catastrophe when mom made him leave the house to go home...HE WANTED TO SPEND THE we told him he could come over Tuesday, spend the night, and go to the lake Wednesday. All day Tuesday he had his ball and glove ready and his comments went something like this, "Mom, is it time to go to Aunt Whit's yet?" Needless to say, I picked him up after Uncle Jas's church softball game and brought him and Faith (our neighbor girl) home to play.
On the way home, Gavin asks, "Aunt Whit, do you know who God is?"
I of course reply, Yes, Gavin. Do you?
"Yes, he's Jesus."
"Yep, they are the same person, buddy. Do you know what Jesus did for you?"
"Yep, he made the roads, and the horses, and the trees, and mommy/daddy/Graci/you/Uncle Jas/etc.etc."
What else did he do?
He died on the cross so I can go to Heaven when I get old.
You're right! Jesus loves you soooo much. He loves you even more than me, and you know how much I love you. (he spreads his arms out to the side of him to show me that he knows I love him THAT much!
Yes, Jesus loves me very much, but not when I'm naughty!
Of course I went on to explain that Jesus loves him even when he's naughty. :)
We got home, and Uncle Jas and Uncle Dave (Jason's dad) got home shortly after. I had class, so while I sat on the computer, Uncle Jas and Gavin played a game (my favorite game as a kid, Enchanted Forest). I made Gavin a snack, and he wanted more, so we popped popcorn, and they continued playing. They played ball, put a puzzle together, played with the dogs, etc. It sure makes me happy that I've found such a good man who loves my nephew as much as me. All I could do was watch.
When class was over we watched Madagascar and Jas and Gavin laughed and laughed. I loved it--cuddling between two of my favorite boys. Then it was time for bed. Gavin thought he could sleep in his own room (the red room we call it), so we put our pajamas on, brushed our teeth, said our prayers (which always consist of thanking Jesus for everyone in the family and keeping Uncle AJ safe in South Carolina), and laid down to sleep. Jas was conked out soon after, I was falling asleep, and Gavin..he was staring at the ceiling. So, we moved us all to our room so he could watch Cartoons. Needless to say, the kid doesn't sleep if cartoons are on...even if it is 1:00 pm. :) Anyway, I woke up at 3:30 (I sure hope Gavin went to sleep before that), and moved him to his own bed where he wanted to sleep with his stuffed dog Jamon (also Uncle AJ's college roommate).
Gavin woke up around 8:30 in the morning..we watched cartoons, played a game, ate breakfast, took care of the dogs, etc. Just a lazy morning with nothing exciting going on, but it sure makes it much more enjoyable when there's a little one running around. I cannot wait until my precious niece comes and stays. She's so chill (she has to be with her big brother running around).
Gavin went to Mommy's school around 12:30..we took her and my mom lunch and we played in the classroom until it was time to go. We said our goodbyes (we see them everyday anyway), and went home. That was the highlight of my week, as simple as it was. I pray my kids are only half as cool as my niece and nephew, and I pray that someday, they both realize how much they are loved.
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