Life had been crazy with my grad school semester winding down, the school year coming to an end, and criminals coming out of the woodwork at Jason's work just because it's summer. Not to mention, Jason works hard everyday just to go coach baseball for 4 hours a night. Many times, when he comes home from baseball he's got a 'hunny-do' list, and if not, we're off to watch my brother's baseball games at Huntington, play with our niece and nephew, cook out with the neighbors, or something....anything else. We never sit down. We stress ourselves out many times because of how busy we keep ourselves, but when push comes to shove, we wouldn't have it any other way. Our people make our world go round, and we love them.
My little brother plays centerfield at HU. This was the pile-up after they won the conference tourney which took them out to California to play in Super Regional. Baseball is life around this time of the year!
With all of these things winding down we were soooo excited to be able to spend as much time as possible as a married couple for the next month before I get shipped down to Nashville to go to school for 5 weeks. 5 weeks where I can't leave on the weekend. Luckily I'll be staying with my best friend,'s 5 weeks of non-stop school, 5 weeks I cannot see my husband. With that being said, June was going to be the month of weddings.....
One of our best friends, Seth Kimmel, married the beautiful Lindsay Wertenberger on May 22nd in Huntington.
June was also going to be the month of spending everyday at the lake.
Just when we were looking so forward to actually being able to spend time together (we haven't gotten to since we've been married), the department tells Jason he's going to 2nds. That means, he'll be working 2 pm-10 pm, with Tuesday/Wednesday weekend. That also means I now have to call everyone back that we rsvp'd to their weddings, and tell them we won't be coming, or Jason won't be coming...we haven't quite figured all that out. Bummer. No lake, no weddings...I was sad. Mix that in with watching my brother be sent to South Carolina for the summer, I was even more sad. I love him. He and my sister are my best friends, and he'll be gone, playing baseball, without us able to watch, ALL summer. boo!!!!!!!!
Good news is....Jason and I have sure fit everything we could into this last week. We've spent every possible moment at the lake, cooking out with our good friends/neighbors, and had a party at Nic and Tori Minder's with the department. Tuesday we were at the lake again, then decided at 8 o'clock that we wanted to go to a drive-in, we did, in Huntington, with my amazing in-laws. We saw Shrek-Final Chapter and Iron Man-2. I only saw the first one because i was OUT 5 minutes into Iron was late! Jason seems to think our truck was made for drive-ins. We just put all the seats down, and camped back there. We had a great time, and it was my first drive in experience! wow!
While we were there, I got a call from a best friend telling me she was engaged! I hooked them up 2 years ago, and have been waiting for the moment! I was thrilled. We spent the night and my mom and dad Rahn's house, which was fun. Mom made us breakfast, and dog sat. (We have such great parents). Meanwhile, Jas and I headed to the zoo. We had so much fun spending time together...even though we couldn't see the tigers (my favorite animal) or the giraffes! Jas and I grabbed a late lunch, then headed to Primtime (Jas's old place of employment) to catch up with old friends. We got to see Akei, Arthur, Luther, Larry, and Dana. They're always so fun to talk to! :) After that we got to go spend more time with mom and dad before picking up the pooch and going to see our friend Seth Kimmel. He just got back from his honeymoon, so it was fun to hear all the stories. I sure miss living close to him....and now he's got his beautiful wife. I wish we lived closer even more now. Finally, we headed back to Fort Wayne to have a birthday/engagement dinner with Heather Reese (my friend that just got engaged). I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her, and her love for Justin...They are both such great people, and good friends. Being with these people makes me miss my friends even more. If only they were just a drop away that we could grab coffee or hang out whenever Jason's gone. I miss those relationships terribly!
As you can tell, we don't have any BIG news...just a bunch of little things that keep us going on a day-to-day basis. I don't know what we would do without our friends and family. Much love to them all!
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